Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Comment Policy

     I am accustomed to YouTube, where I set my sites up so that only approved comments get posted. On YouTube I will post comments that I disagree with, but I will not post comments that are abusive or filled with foul language. This really helps to discourage trolls. I am happy that I found the option to moderate comments here too.  I have set up the comments here so that I moderate them before they are published.  Please do not be discouraged by that, and read my comment policy below. 

So, here is my comment policy:

I welcome comments that are nice, that are thoughtfully written, that are constructive or helpful. I will delete comments that are abusive.

For example: If a comment states, "I noticed a grammar error in your second sentence....(description of what I did wrong & how to fix it)", I will be thankful and will keep that comment. On the other hand, had the comment said, "Your grammar sucks", I would consider that unhelpful and rude, and I would delete it.

The same goes for opinions. You may disagree with an opinion I post in my blog and want to let me know you disagree. That is fine, as long as you write your opinion in a thoughtful and polite manner. 

Also, obviously, no spam.


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Comments that are thoughtful, polite, and/or containing constructive criticism are welcomed. Comments that are rude or abusive will be deleted.